There are generally three ways of getting out of huge debts. The first method is debt consolidation. This one requires that you take one huge loan to cover all the other loans and then you work on repaying it. Option two is settling the debt by agreement. You will still need a lawyer for this one. The third option is to file for bankruptcy. Debt settlement and bankruptcy are going to hurt your credit score greatly, but would you rather lose your property or your credit score?
When you get in touch with the best real estate attorney NYC has to offer, you will understand why many people choose to file for bankruptcy. This is even with the knowledge that the move is going to hurt their finances greatly. However, this is not always the case. When you get in touch with a lawyer, you will be able to figure out whether you should file for bankruptcy or not.
For instance, you have been paying mortgage for your home for the past fifteen years and you have five more years to go to clear it up. Will you allow the mortgage company to seize it now that your income has become lower? This is one of the reasons why people file for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy can stop foreclosure as well as auctioning of your possessions. The only thing that you need to do is get in touch with a lawyer to help you out with the process.